City Manager's Weekly Report | 09.25.15

  1. Caltrans audit team that was in City Hall for Tauhindauli Restoration project viewing platform grant has notified City that its findings will be published in the next two weeks.
  2. Public Works Supervisor reports painting of streets is done for this year; removed sprayer from unit 402; removed many pickup truck loads of brush and debris from airport; attended the FAA inspector meeting at Mott airport; prep work done for asphalt repairs at 4119 Caldwell; repaired sweeper; frontage road maintenance underway; repaired tie downs at airport and sprayed herbicide on weeds; pothole repairs; continued cleaning out storm drains; swept streets and airport; cut down tree on Dunsmuir Avenue; assisted with replacement of worn out water heater at city rental; planted more trout as part of Big Fish/Trophy Trout program; and repaired vandalized concrete cap on top of outside walls of Belnap fountain.  Anticipating increased loads of garbage in City dumpster as fall hits and leaves fall on streets.
  3. Community Services Officer reports responded to several requests for service; assisted public works in clearing cut debris and feeding chipper; arranged for towing of truck with no license plates from parking lot across from Council Chambers; marked car in cemetery parking lot in preparation for towing; and mailed 5 letters requesting compliance with different code sections.
  4. Newest final MOU for Law Enforcement Service for 2015-16 has been received and is being reviewed by Interim City Manager, City Attorney, and SCORE program administrator.  It will be presented and discussed by Public Safety Committee at their next meeting on October 7.
  5. Grant reconciliation documents were forwarded to Shasta Regional Community Foundation to close out $10,500 grant received some time ago by Garden Club which City agreed to administer in late 2014. Once this grant is closed out, new grant moneys may be requested for maintenance and operation of Tauhindauli restoration project and Park.  Hopefully permanent bathroom preliminary work can be started soon.
  6. Some of the 30 years leases for hangars at City of Dunsmuir Mott airport are reaching end of lease period.  Two pilots have already requested 10 years extensions on their leases which is provided for in leases.
  7. Fire Chief reports that there were 9 dispatches, 2 vegetation fires, 3 public assists, 3 EMS responses, 1 automatic aid to Mt. Shasta response for commercial fire alarm this week.  40 total dispatches to date for this month.  Meeting held with Julie Titus from Dunsmuir Fire Safe Council to discuss current and future fuel reduction, fuel breaks, and thinning projects in the Dunsmuir Wildland Interface area.  Weekly training topic was “Truck Company Operations”.  Unit S-840 had “low pressure sensors” replaced that were found to be defective.
  8. Public Works Supervisor reports another split was found in water main in Butterfly Avenue.  This is one of the sections that will be replaced by CDBG grant project that will start on Monday.  Major water service leak was also repaired on Edyth St.  Water meters were read Weds through Fri and reads given to City Hall.  Water leak discovered on Sacramento Avenue and hole drilled though pavement to let water out and not damage the roadway.  Final repairs will be done on Tuesday of next week.  Assisted contractor in locating water and sewer lines in Butterfly Ave and on property where new house to be constructed.