City Manager's Weekly Report | August 14, 2015

Weekly Report for prior week

  1. Public Works Supervisor reports continuing painting of street markings on Dunsmuir Avenue, tear down and replacement of painter filters, took truck 410 to Redding for ECM recalibration, continuing to try to get costs for repair of Veterans’ fountain, removing downed trees at Hedge Creek falls trail, swept airport, repaired irrigation systems at Hedge Creek and Tauhindauli parks, swept streets in town, continuing weed eating and bush clipping in public rights of way.
  2. Opened bids on Tuesday for CDBG funded water main replacements.  Nine bids were received and low bidder documents are being “qualified” by PACE Engineering.  If all acceptable there will be sufficient moneys to complete base bid package and both additive bids (Oak Street and Butterfly).  The award of bid is scheduled for your August 27 adjourned meeting.
  3. Tom Hesseldenz, Paul Reuter (PACE) and Interim City Manager met at Tauhindauli Park to review options for permanent bathrooms.  Tom will provide original plans for park and as built plans that he has to PACE.
  4. Julie and Randy met with Siskiyou County Recycling Coordinator and representative from CalRecycle (State Agency) on Wednesday to review Dunsmuir efforts to meet recycling and waste diversion goals.  Several possible future projects were discussed.
  5. Cassie Hansen of FireWhat, City Planner and Interim City Manager met on Thursday regarding possible mapping project that FireWhat could provide for City.
  6. Fire Chief and Interim City Manager met regarding altering employment status of Fire Chief.
  7. Finance consultant and Interim City Manager are spending all available time to complete 2015-16 budget.  Airport budget portion presented to airport committee on Thursday.  Entire budget will be presented to Finance committee August 25.  Entire budget will be presented to City Council at study session requested for August 27.  Shooting for adoption on September 3.
  8. Auditors are still shooting for end of August to complete 2013-14 audit.
  9. Public Utilities crew reports Supervisor on vacation; repaired leaking services on Prospect, Oak and Branstetter; worked on doors to springs 1 and 2; continued spraying of herbicides at WWTP; started rebuilding roof for airport well; repaired sink hole in public right of way adjacent to Yaks; met with property owner of lot adjacent to Shasta Springs and discussed current location of water and sewer services in that area.
  10. Interim City Manager met with Charles Anderson, Regional Affairs Manager of the Sacramento Valley Division of the League of California Cities.
  11. Community Services Officer reports complaint about loud and obnoxious chickens that will be followed up, supported utilities department by hanging shut off notices on doors, requested Sheriff assistance to stop four individuals from stealing materials from the former Best Choice Inn, marked tires on boat in 5900 block of Dunsmuir Avenue and was told by owner it will be moved to an appropriate parking spot.
  12. Artist arranged for by Beautification Committee to repaint sign over Belnap Fountain has judged that wood material on carved/painted sign is beyond repair.  It is warped, dried out and split in two places.  She will look for alternative to restore a sign to the fountain.
  13. Special thanks to Administrative Assistant Iskra who facilitated submittal of grant application to UP for children’s lunch program.  The grant application will be reviewed and rated in January and announcement of award in February.  The grant application is for the summer of 2016.  UP also funded this year’s summer lunch program.