City Manager's Weekly Report | 12.11.2015

  1. Public Works Supervisor reports crew provided snow removal on the 6th and at the airport on the 7th; set out cones and detour signs for Chamber event on the 5th; serviced pickup #400 and backhoe #421; repaired plow on #400, continued drainage clearing along Simpson Ave; street sweeping; cleaned out drop inlets along Dunsmuir Ave from Florence Loop to Cemetery; placed orders for base rock, sand and cinders; mailed request for proposals to remove and trim trees in the public right of way on the 10th.
  2. Interim City Manager obtained information on notifications needed at airport when snow or other obstacles are present; met with Lt. Hauffman from Sheriff’s Department and Assistant City Attorney regarding issues with Law Enforcement MOU; attended Planning Commission meeting on 9th; met with Assistant City Attorney to discuss possible sale of portion of Spruce Street no longer used as street and lease terms for Engine House; received confirmation from Shasta Community Foundation that check for $53,087 for improvements to Tauhindauli park is in the mail.
  3. Fire Chief reports department responded to 14 dispatches between the 3rd and 10th:  5 EMS calls; 1 traffic accident; 1 Haz-Mat; 2 fires; 5 other.  Weekly training was on CPR recertification.  All equipment and apparatus are in good working order.  Reviewing and updating the City’s Emergency Operations Plan.
  4. Public Utilities Supervisor reports crew worked on broken 4” water main on Rose Street last Saturday evening; assisted with snow plowing; installed City radio in truck; reviewing draft construction plans for replacement of water mains in North and South Dunsmuir for project to be funded by IRWM grant; painting the inside of the aerobic digester pump building; flushed dead ends in water main lines; checked and cleaned all lift stations; completed weekly checks of sewer manholes; completed all sewer plant testing and performed some plant maintenance.
  5. Interim City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer are reviewing first drafts of complete notice and ballot for Proposition 218 election on proposed increases in water rates, and notice and ballot for proposed decreases in solid waste rates.
  6. Interim City Manager, Finance Director and office staff are collecting documents and preparing response to Public Records Act request.